Figure 6. Vernalization requirement for FLC downregulation is saturated in natural winters.
(A–F) Bolting time for accessions and NILs after transfer to floral-induction conditions from ‘natural’ winter 2016–7, in (A) Norwich 21/10/16 (B) Norwich 21/12/16 (C) South Sweden 01/10/2016 (D) South Sweden 17/12/16 (E) North Sweden 06/09/2016 (F) North Sweden 24/11/2016. Plants that did not flower by 14/02/17 (C, D) or 23/12/16 (E, F) are shown as DNF and dead plants are indicated. Plots show the histogram of numbers of plants as the width of violin plots. A line connects the measurements to indicate the range. Flowering time of genotypes that are significantly different to the reference line Col FRI are indicated by * (ANOVA with Dunnett’s post-hoc test). p-values for all comparisons are given in Supplementary file 3. (G–H) North Sweden 2016 transfers for accessions and NILs, (G) mean time to bolting after transfer to floral-inductive conditions plotted against mean FLC expression per genotype at transfer, Norwich 2016–7, linear regression R2 = 0.68, p<0.001. (H) Mean time to bolting after transfer to floral-inductive conditions plotted against mean FLC expression per genotype at transfer, North Sweden 2016–7. Genotypes that did not bolt within 205 days not shown, linear regression R2 = 0.85, p<0.001. N = 12 plants except where plants died or (E, H) did not bolt within 205 days (Source data 5). Error bars for G and H show s.e.m.