Fig. 5.
Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of NEU1 does not promote inflammation after I/R. a Representative Western blot shows NEU1 overexpression in the LV of a N1-Tg mouse as compared with WT hearts and Ponceau staining for loading control. b Neuraminidase activity in the LV of N1-Tg and corresponding WT mice. N = 3. c Microscopy of representative immunostaining of cardiomyocyte-specific NEU1 overexpression (red), α-actinin (green) and nuclear Hoechst staining (blue) in LV of N1-Tg and corresponding WT mice 3 days after sham or I/R operation. Scale bar: 50 µm. d Representative Western blot in ischemic LV of N1-Tg and WT mice 3 days after sham or I/R injury. Relative quantification (e–g) of total and phosphorylated (S536) p65 and CD44, respectively, in ischemic LV of N1-Tg and WT mice 3 days after sham or I/R injury normalized to Ponceau loading control. WT sham N = 10; N1-Tg sham N = 9; WT I/R N = 14; N1-Tg I/R N = 9. h ADGRE1 mRNA expression in the ischemic LV of N1-Tg and WT mice 14 days after I/R and sham operation, normalized to 18S. WT sham N = 8; N1-Tg sham N = 7; WT I/R N = 9; N1-Tg I/R N = 8. All values are depicted as mean ± SD. Statistical analysis was done using unpaired, two-tailed t test (b) and Two-Way-ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test (d, f–h). For panel b: *P < 0.5 N1-Tg vs. WT mice, for panel e–g: *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 WT I/R 3 days vs. WT sham 3 days, for panel h: *P < 0.05 WT I/R 14 days vs. WT sham 14 days; for panel e–g: §P < 0.05 and §§P < 0.01 N1-Tg I/R 3 days vs. N1-Tg sham 3 days, for panel h: §§P < 0.01 N1-Tg I/R 14 days vs. N1-Tg sham 14 days