Figure 3.
(a) VOI location in a female mouse brain at P40 using the fsems images used for positioning. (b) Typical in vivo 31P MR spectra of the mouse brain from P20 to P250 at 14.1 T (black, no baseline correction, 10 Hz line broadening). The total spectral fit (gray) determined by the LCModel, the baseline, the individual fits of α-ATP, NADH (red), NAD+ (blue), and the fitting residual. (c) Zoom on the summed spectral region of NAD+ and NADH with the following number of animals at a given postnatal days: P20, N = 10; P40, N = 8; P90, N = 8; P250, N = 5. The figure clearly depicts the changes with development in the NAD concentrations.