Figure 2.
Behavioral performance by age. (a) Number of tickets won is plotted as a function of age. A quadratic line of best fit is shown. The error bars represent a .95 confidence interval. (b) Mean accuracy across all trials is plotted for each trial type, separately by age group. The darker shaded bars depict the trials for which Pavlovian tendencies are aligned with the optimal instrumental response, and the lighter shaded bars depict the trials for which Pavlovian tendencies are in conflict with the optimal instrumental response. Yellow points represent mean accuracy that was calculated from simulating data using the parameter estimates for each participant from the best-fitting model. The following abbreviations are used: GW: Go to Win; GAL: Go to Avoid Losing; NGW: No-Go to Win; NGAL: No-Go to Avoid Losing. Error bars represent ± 1 SEM.