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. 2020 Sep 25;21:634. doi: 10.1186/s12891-020-03653-z

Table 3.

Included studies on intraoperative sources of implant contamination

Study Source of contamination Study size Main results Conclusion
Intraoperative sources of implant contamination
Surgical instrument trays
  Waked et al. (2007) [15] Surgical instrument trays 90 sterilization wraps Detection rates ranged from 7 to 97% Substantial perforations in sterilization wraps may be missed
  Mobley and Jackson 3rd. (2018) [16] Surgical instrument trays 20 sterilization wraps Overall 56% accuracy Current method for assessing sterility is inadequate
Surgical equipment
  Radcliff et al. (2013) [17] Preoperative in-room time 7991 spine surgeries including 276 SSIs ART was significantly higher in patients with infection (68 vs. 61 min); significant increase in infection rate if ART was > 1 h Preoperative in-room time is a risk factor for SSI
  Blom et al. (2000) [18] Surgical drapes 24 agar plates covered with 7 types of surgical drapes All of the reusable woven drapes allowed bacterial penetration; non-woven drapes were impermeable apart from one Recommendation for non-woven disposable drapes over woven drapes
  Lankester et al. (2002) [19] Surgical gowns 40 surgical gowns of 2 types Disposable gowns showed less bacterial penetration than reusable gowns in all tested regions Reusable gowns may be unsuitable for use in orthopaedic implant surgery
  Ward Sr et al. (2014) [20] Surgical gloves and gowns

1. 102 surgical team members

2. 251 surgical team members

1. 31 vs. 7% baseline bacterial contamination in cloth gowns vs. paper gowns

2. 23% of surgeons retaining outer gloves had positive glove contamination vs. 13% of those exchanging gloves

Recommendation for disposable paper gowns and outer glove exchange just before handling implant materials
  Klaber et al. (2019) [21] Surgical gowns 140 surgical gowns Bacterial contamination in 12% of surgical gowns (4% in total hip arthroplasty vs. 22% in spine and knee surgery) Higher surgical gown contamination during non-arthroplasty procedures
  Wichmann et al. (2019) [22] Surgical gloves 43 pairs of knitted cotton outer gloves 9% of gloves yielded > 100 CFU under aerobic conditions, 14% under anaerobic conditions Low microbial contamination of knitted cotton outer gloves, but relevant proportion showing contamination above minimal thresholds
  Amirfeyz et al. (2007) [23] Theatre shoes 50 outside shoes, 50 theatre shoes morning and 50 end of day Microbial growth in 90% of outside shoes, 68% of theatre shows in the morning, and 56% of theatre shoes end-of-day Recommendation for dedicated theatre shoe use and good floor washing protocol
Implant exposure to air
  Bible et al. (2013) [24] Coverage of implants 105 surgical trays (54 uncovered vs. 51 covered trays) Overall 10% contamination with 2% of covered vs. 17% of uncovered implants Coverage of implants significantly reduces their contamination
  Dalstrom et al. (2008) [25] Coverage of implants 45 surgical trays (15 uncovered and no traffic, 15 uncovered and traffic, 15 covered) Microbial growth in 4% at 30 min to 30% at 4 h of uncovered trays vs. 0% in covered trays Coverage of implants significantly reduces their contamination; microbial growth correlated with the duration of open exposure
  Menekse et al. (2015) [26] Coverage of implants 42 surgical trays (20 uncovered vs. 22 covered) Microbial growth in 55% vs. 18% in uncovered and covered trays, respectively, after 120 min Coverage of implants significantly reduces their contamination; microbial growth correlated with the duration of open exposure
  Uzun et al. (2019) [27] Coverage of implants 60 surgical trays (30 uncovered vs. 30 covered) Statistically significant difference in contamination at all time points Coverage of implants significantly reduces their contamination; microbial growth correlated with the duration of open exposure
  Agarwal et al. (2019b) [28] Usage of an impermeable guard 10 sterile packaged pedicle screws (5 with and 5 without an intraoperative guard) All samples without guard showed bacterial growth; none with guard Using an intraoperative guard provides higher asepsis
  Smith et al. (2009) [29] Individual packaging 50 screw packets Microbial growth on 48% of packet exteriors and in 14% of acts of opening Individual packaging of screws is a potential risk factor for contamination
Surgical environment
  Andersson et al. (2012) [30] Door openings, number of persons in the OR 30 orthopaedic surgeries in 3 ORs Positive correlation between CFU and door openings and CFU and number of persons in the OR Negative impact of traffic flow and number of persons present in the OR
  Perez et al. (2018) [31] Door openings, number of persons in the OR 48 orthopaedic and general surgeries Positive correlation between CFU and door openings and number of persons in the OR Negative impact of traffic flow and number of persons present in the OR
  Knobben et al. (2006) [32] Door openings, number of persons in the OR, airflow systems 207 orthopaedic surgeries Under original conditions 33% of contamination and 11% of SSI, after disciplinary measures and LAF installation 9 and 1% of SSI Systemic and behavioral changes significantly decrease bacterial contamination and SSI
  Andersson et al. (2014) [33] Airflow systems 63 orthopaedic implant surgeries (30 DV, 33 LAF) Bacterial growth > 10 CFU/m3 in 1% of LAF ORs and 57% of DV ORs LAF ORs offer high-quality air during surgery
  Sadrizadeh et al. (2014) [34] Airflow systems Physical model Reduction of airborne and sedimenting bacteria-carrying particles by MLAF MLAF may be an option to reduce the level of microbial contamination
  Sossai et al. (2011) [35] Airflow systems 34 total knee arthroplasties (17 with MLAF, 17 without) Reduction of bacterial count from 24 CFU/m3 without MLAF to 4 CFU/m3 with MLAF MLAF may be an option to reduce the level of microbial contamination
  Noguchi et al. (2017) [36] Airborne particles 3 patterns of physical movements Large number of particles when unfolding surgical gown, removing gloves, and putting arms through gown sleeves; LAF reduced particles Unnecessary actions should be avoided and LAF potentially reduces bacterial contamination
  Richard and Bowen (2017) [37] OR surfaces 13 surfaces in 6 orthopaedic ORs Bioburden detectable on all included surfaces Detection of environmental trouble spots in the OR possible with ATP bioluminescence
Supportive equipment
  Ahmad et al. (2011) [38] Supports 40 supports used in 20 hip arthroplasty procedures 85% of anterior and 50% of posterior supports showed bacterial colonisation High bacterial load on supports may contribute to higher infection rates
  Ranawat et al. (2004) [39] Pressure sore prevention pads 13 pressure sore prevention pads 85% of pads showed bacterial growth Use of pressure sore prevention pads should be closely reviewed
  Ahmed et al. (2009) [40] Tourniquets 20 tourniquets All tourniquets were contaminate with 9 to > 385 CFU Tourniquets should be cleaned before every surgery

ART anesthesia ready time, CFU colony forming units, DV displacement ventilation system, LAF laminar airflow ventilation system, MLAF mobile laminar airflow ventilation system, OR operating room, SSI surgical site infection