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. 2020 Aug 3;55(10):927–943. doi: 10.1007/s00535-020-01711-w

Table 1.

Commonly used methods for assessing sarcopenia

Methods How to Units Cut-offs Pro Cons
HGS Measured using a hand dynamometer. The highest values for both right and left handgrip strength from two measurements were averaged, and then used for analysis kg

M: < 27 kg

W: < 16 kg

M: < 30 kg

W: < 15 kg

Validated cut-off;

Simple and inexpensive

Not representative of overall sarcopenia
PMI Total bilateral psoas muscle area at the middle of the third lumbar vertebra (L3) level (cm2), shown by CT, and height (m) cm2/m2

M < 5.37 cm2/m2,

W: < 3.4 cm2/m2

M: < 6.36 cm2/m2

W: < 3.92 cm2/m2

Simple and commonly used Not representative of overall sarcopenia
TPV Total psoas volume of the right psoas muscle was calculated semi‐automatically, by manual outlining of the boarders of the muscle, shown by CT, starting at the level of the last thoracic or first lumbar vertebra continuing until the psoas muscle becomes indistinguishable from the iliopsoas muscle cm3

M: < 194.9 cm

W: < 99.2 cm

Easy to calculate Not representative of overall sarcopenia
PMTH Psoas mass thickness, measured on CT at the level of the umbilicus, or at L3 or L4 was normalized by division by height mm/m

16.8 mm/m at umbilicus level

14 mm/m al L4 level

Easy to calculate

Different level evaluated (L3, L4, umbilicus)

Not representative of overall sarcopenia


TPMT-L3: defined as the transversal diameter of the right psoas muscle perpendicular to the largest axial psoas muscle diameter at the L3 endplate, measured on CT. The results were normalized to body height

TPMT‐umbilical: defined as the transversal diameter of the right psoas muscle perpendicular to the largest axial psoas muscle diameter at the level of the umbilicus. Results were normalized to body height


M: < 10.7 mm/m

W: < 7.8 mm/m

Easy to calculate

Different level evaluated

The level of umbilicus could be influenced from ascites

Not representative of overall sarcopenia

PSMI Bilateral, total paraspinal muscle area (psoas major and minor muscles, quadratus lumborum muscles, transvers spinal muscles and erector spinae muscles) at the L3 endplate, measured on CT. The results were normalized by height cm2/m2 M: < 26.3 cm2/m2 W: < 20.8 cm2/m2 CT images of a specific lumbar vertebral landmark (L3) correlated significantly with whole-body muscle Not representative of overall sarcopenia
SMA Assessed as the mean density (HU) of the entire measured cross-sectional muscle area at L3, measured on CT HU Reflect both to micro- and macroscopic changes in muscle architecture and composition There is no universal consensus on this method for routine clinical practice
SMI Skeletal muscles at the L3 or L4 level included the erector spinae, transverse abdominis, psoas, quadratus lumborum, internal and external oblique abdominal muscle and the rectus abdominis muscle, measured on CT, normalized for patient height cm2/m2

L3 level:

M: < 36.2 cm2/m2

W: ≤ 29.6 cm2/m2

M: < 52.4 cm2/m2

W: < 38.5 cm2/m2

W: < 41 cm2/m2 M: < 53 cm2/m2

With BMI > 25 and < 43 cm2/m2 with BMI > 25

L4 level:

 < 52.4 cm2/m2

Most used CT based technique

Precise measures of body composition

Different cut-offs
SMI by BIA Appendicular SMM/height squared by BIA kg/m2 M: < 7.0 kg/m2 W: < 5.5 kg/m2 BIA equipment is affordable, widely available and portable BIA measurements can also be influenced by hydration status
MAMC MAMC (cm) = MAC—(0.314 × TSF [mm]) cm

Easy to calculate;

Simple and inexpensive

Not representative of overall sarcopenia
TSF Measured by one experienced observer with caliper at the middle point between the acromion and the olecranon of the non-dominant arm cm

Bedside technique

Simple and inexpensive

Not representative of overall sarcopenia
LBM 0.306x[skeletal muscle at L3 using CT (cm2)] + 6.06 kg CT images of a specific lumbar vertebral landmark (L3) correlated significantly with whole-body muscle Not representative of overall sarcopenia
US- PTHR Mean of psoas diameter divided, measured on US, by patient’s height mm/m

US-based technique

Assess both muscle quantity and quality

No valid cut-off
US-PMI Psoas radius square, measured on US, divided by patient’s height square cm2/m2

US-based technique

Assess both muscle quantity and quality

No valid cut-off

BIA Bioelectrical impedance analysis, HGS handgrip strength, MAC Midarm circumference, MAMC midarm muscle circumference, PSMI Paraspinal muscle index, PMI psoas muscle index, SMA skeletal muscle attenuation, SMI skeletal muscle index, SMI skeletal muscle index, SMM skeletal muscle mass, TPV Total psoas volume, LBM Total lean body mass, TSF triceps skinfold thickness, TPMT Transversal psoas muscle thickness, PMTH psoas muscle thickness by height, US- PTHR Ultrasound Psoas to height ratio, US-PMI Ultrasound Psoas muscle index