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. 2020 Sep 28;6(3):00458-2020. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00458-2020


Estimated cumulative excess deaths and relative increase as compared to 2019, over the period 1 March to 30 April 2020, stratified by health protection agency (HPA), age or sex

Disease HPA Bergamo HPA Brescia
Estimated excess number of deaths (95% CS) Estimated increase (n-fold) in the number of deaths (95% CS) Estimated excess number of deaths (95% CS) Estimated increase (n-fold) in the number of deaths (95% CS)
Total 5719 (5556–5892) 4.07 (3.98–4.17) 3820 (3676–3967) 2.91 (2.84–2.99)
 Female 2422 (2314–2536) 3.48 (3.37–3.60) 1787 (1686–1894) 2.69 (2.59–2.79)
 Male 3296 (3176–3426) 4.72 (4.59–4.87) 2033 (1930–2140) 3.16 (3.05–3.28)
 <60 168 (137–206) 2.18 (1.96–2.44) 108 (81–139) 1.87 (1.66–2.13)
 60–69 538 (489–593) 4.30 (3.99–4.63) 334 (294–380) 3.10 (2.85–3.39)
 70–79 1525 (1442–1613) 5.05 (4.83–5.28) 982 (913–1058) 3.46 (3.29–3.65)
 80–89 2377 (2271–2487) 4.34 (4.19–4.50) 1530 (1439–1625) 2.95 (2.83–3.07)
 90+ 1108 (1034–1187) 3.37 (3.21–3.54) 866 (796–941) 2.63 (2.50–2.77)

The sum of the estimated number of deaths within sex or age categories might not equal the total estimated excess, since stratified estimates are derived from separate models.