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. 2020 Aug 26;12(8):e10054. doi: 10.7759/cureus.10054

Table 2. Comparison of laboratory investigations between the modes of ventilation of COVID-19 patients (n=373).

Descriptive statistics are presented as mean ± standard deviation.

Frequencies are presented as n (%), where n=number of subjects/total number of subjects.

* Indicates independent sample t-test; ** indicates chi-square test; † indicates Fisher’s exact test.

Abbreviations: COVID-19, coronavirus disease; TLC, total leukocyte count; CRP, C-reactive protein; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase;  PCT, procalcitonin.

Laboratory investigation Invasive ventilation (n=50) Non-invasive ventilation (n=176) p-value Survivors (n=269) Non-survivors (n=104) p-value
Hemoglobin admission 11.70 ± 2.45 12.07 ± 2.28 0.315* 12.29 ± 2.31 11.65 ± 2.42 0.035*
discharge 10.84 ± 2.14 11.75 ± 2.15 0.016* 11.66 ± 2.28 11.24 ± 2.22 0.176*
TLC admission 13.92 ± 7.67 11.47 ± 6.70 0.044* 10.03 ± 5.62 14.17 ± 7.72 <0.001*
>11 x109/L n=28/50 (56.0%) n=68/176 (38.6%) 0.028** n=72/264 (27.3%) n=58/104 (55.8%) <0.001**
TLC discharge 17.34 ± 13.62 12.89 ± 7.58 0.043* 9.79 ± 4.07 18.70 ± 11.60 <0.001*
>11 x109/L n=32/44 (72.7%) n=70/147 (47.6%) 0.003** n=51/148 (34.5%) n=70/88 (79.5%) <0.001**
Platelets admission 238.79 ± 95.23 247.13 ± 122.03 0.659* 238.74 ± 120.17 236.67 ± 102.39 0.886*
<150 x109/L n=7/49 (14.3%) n=31/172 (18.0%) 0.757 n=50/253 (19.8%) n=19/102 (18.6%) 0.970**
150-400 n=39/49 (79.6%) n=126/172 (73.3%) n=186/253 (73.5%) n=76/102 (74.5%)
>400 x109/L n=3/49 (6.1%) n=15/172 (8.7%) n=17/253 (6.7%) n=7/102 (6.9%)
Platelets discharge 220.20 ± 124.93 281.86 ± 141.60 0.007* 276.79 ± 130.91 231.84 ± 145.43 0.020*
<150 x109/L n=12/44 (27.3%) n=25/144 (17.4%) 0.009** n=24/142 (16.9%) n=25/89 (28.1%) 0.009**
150-400 n=31/44 (70.5%) n=88/144 (61.1%) n=90/142 (63.4%) n=58/89 (65.2%)
>400 x109/L n=1/44 (2.3%) n=31/144 (21.5%) n=28/142 (19.7%) n=6/89 (6.7%)
Neutrophil admission 79.70 ± 9.13 75.68 ± 13.82 0.017* 72.98 ± 13.42 80.00 ± 12.03 <0.001*
>75 % n=37/50 (74.0%) n=108/176 (61.4%) 0.100** n=109/264 (41.3%) n=80/104 (76.9%) <0.001**
Neutrophil discharge 78.27 ± 12.41 74.40 ± 14.04 0.102* 70.52 ± 13.51 81.86 ± 10.34 <0.001*
>75 % n=29/44 (65.9%) n=81/146 (55.5%) 0.219** n=66/146 (45.2%) n=72/88 (81.8%) <0.001**
Lymphocyte admission 15.24 ± 8.82 17.46 ± 10.90 0.188* 20.15 ± 11.19 14.14 ± 9.45 <0.001*
<20 % n=38/50 (76.0%) n=125/176 (71.0%) 0.489** n=136/264 (51.5%) n=85/104 (81.7%) <0.001**
Lymphocyte discharge 15.59 ± 11.50 18.47 ± 12.16 0.165* 22.15 ± 12.49 12.37 ± 8.11 <0.001*
<20 % n=34/44 (77.3%) n=98/146 (67.1%) 0.200** n=65/146 (44.5%) n=73/88 (83.0%) <0.001**
Urea admission 59.72 ± 52.33 54.64 ± 47.88 0.522* 43.22 ± 42.67 69.98 ± 52.08 <0.001*
>49 mg/dL n=20/49 (40.8%) n=63/174 (36.2%) 0.555** n=51/257 (19.8%) n=56/103 (54.4%) <0.001**
Urea discharge 129.89 ± 76.10 80.08 ± 68.09 0.001* 46.39 ± 37.97 138.71 ± 73.83 <0.001*
>49 mg/dL n=27/36 (75.0%) n=67/125 (53.6%) 0.022** n=39/122 (32.0%) n=65/76 (85.5%) <0.001**
Creatinine admission 2.12 ± 3.35 1.73 ± 2.61 0.380* 1.51 ± 2.65 2.19 ± 2.71 0.046*
>1.3 mg/dL n=20/50 (40.0%) n=62/174 (35.6%) 0.572** n=57/258 (22.1%) n=54/104 (51.9%) 0.001**
Creatinine discharge 3.16 ± 2.57 2.03 ± 2.12 0.019* 1.33 ± 1.54 3.27 ± 2.43 <0.001*
>1.3 mg/dL n=23/36 (63.9%) n=54/125 (43.2%) 0.029** n=28/122 (23.0%) n=60/76 (78.9%) 0.001**
Sodium admission 138.78 ± 6.78 138.35 ± 7.28 0.713* 138.09 ± 5.44 139.25 ± 8.54 0.174*
>145 mEq/L n=9/50 (18.0%) n=12/174 (6.9%) 0.026 n=7/255 (2.7%) n=16/104 (15.4%) <0.001**
Sodium discharge 146.63 ± 6.59 142.31 ± 8.37 0.002* 139.15 ± 4.59 147.77 ± 9.16 <0.001*
>145 mEq/L n=20/36 (55.6%) n=31/124 (25.0%) 0.001** n=13/121 (10.7%) n=46/76 (60.5%) <0.001**
Potassium admission 4.19 ± 1.13 4.12 ± 0.85 0.671* 4.19 ± 0.93 4.05 ± 0.83 0.227*
discharge 4.27 ± 1.21 4.02 ± 0.89 0.176* 3.83 ± 0.63 4.35 ± 1.23 0.001*
Chloride admission 102.92 ± 6.97 102.55 ± 6.32 0.722* 103.14 ± 5.47 102.50 ± 7.23 0.408*
discharge 105.58 ± 7.06 103.31 ± 7.38 0.103* 101.87 ± 5.40 106.59 ± 8.22 <0.001*
Bicarbonate admission 19.58 ± 4.22 19.75 ± 4.04 0.794* 20.36 ± 3.51 19.04 ± 4.31 0.010*
discharge 22.00 ± 6.08 21.93 ± 4.65 0.946* 22.85 ± 4.14 20.59 ± 5.23 0.002*
CRP admission 193.70 ± 116.32 153.96 ± 120.63 0.043* 125.23 ± 107.72 201.51 ± 120.22 <0.001*
>100 mg/L n=35/47 (74.5%) n=104/169 (61.5%) 0.102** n=94/204 (46.1%) n=76/98 (77.6%) <0.001**
CRP discharge 93.35 ± 103.55 82.43 ± 107.50 0.576* 56.38 ± 84.66 129.03 ± 120.00 <0.001*
>50 mg/L n=17/39 (43.6%) n=49/128 (38.3%) 0.553** n=37/125 (29.6%) n=43/77 (55.8%) <0.001**
LDH admission 988.67 ± 1930.65 602.53 ± 372.77 0.022* 519.36 ± 267.69 881.12 ± 1398.56 0.019*
>400 U/L n=35/43 (81.4%) n=103/148 (69.6%) 0.128** n=101/178 (56.7%) n=71/87 (81.6%) <0.001**
LDH discharge 1080.32 ± 1691.70 823.69 ± 1204.86 0.342* 482.82 ± 347.10 1319.46 ± 1803.44 0.001*
>400 U/L n=28/34 (82.4%) n=66/96 (68.8%) 0.128** n=52/97 (53.6%) n=59/63 (93.7%) <0.001**
Ferritin admission 2816.83 ± 7410.90 1508.93 ± 2372.26 0.061* 1177.76 ± 1610.68 2451.05 ± 5652.39 0.041*
>500 ng/mL n=26/43 (60.5%) n=106/155 (68.4%) 0.330** n=104/185 (56.2%) n=60/89 (67.4%) 0.077**
Ferritin discharge 2874.63 ± 4060.67 2528.16 ± 4945.65 0.719* 1102.14 ± 1452.94 4035.69 ± 6143.00 <0.001*
>500 ng/mL n=25/33 (75.8%) n=72/92 (78.3%) 0.767** n=60/90 (66.7%) n=54/63 (85.7%) 0.008**
PCT admission 4.33 ± 10.72 3.17 ± 11.23 0.578* 1.79 ± 8.93 4.81 ± 12.09 0.742*
>0.5 ng/mL n=23/39 (59.0%) n=35/106 (33.0%) 0.005** n=22/95 (23.2%) n=43/78 (55.1%) <0.001**
PCT discharge 13.05 ± 25.08 7.90 ± 22.76 0.407* 2.95 ± 12.32 14.27 ± 27.73 0.078*
>0.5 ng/mL n=16/25 (64.0%) n=11/36 (30.6%) 0.010** n=7/29 (24.1%) n=22/37 (59.5%) 0.004**
D-dimer admission 9.17 ± 11.99 7.09 ± 12.55 0.358* 4.47 ± 8.92 11.45 ± 15.89 <0.001*
>1.0 mcg/mL n=30/40 (75.7%) n=85/123 (69.1%) 0.477** n=76/136 (55.9%) n=71/83 (85.5%) <0.001**
D-dimer discharge 13.59 ± 18.14 7.70 ± 11.77 0.036* 4.10 ± 7.30 14.70 ± 16.90 <0.001*
>1.0 mcg/mL n=31/33 (93.9%) n=61/93 (65.6%) 0.002** n=51/94 (54.3%) n=57/61 (93.4%) <0.001**