Time course of effects of effects of 4 days repeat‐dosing with AZD3965 (1,000 mg·kg−1 p.o.) on visual acuity in Long Evans rats Dosing was for 4 days, with visual acuity measurements 1 h post‐dose on Days 1 and 4, and on four subsequent occasions during the week after cessation of dosing. Open symbols: vehicle controls; filled symbols: AZD3965 1,000 mg·kg−1 p.o.; standard error bars are plotted but some are within the size of the symbols. Five males and five females per dose group (the data point on Day 5 was derived from the five males only and compared to the vehicle control data obtained on the previous day). Note the time‐related decrease in visual acuity. This gradually recovered back to normal over the 7 days post‐dosing. * P < 0.05 compared to vehicle control group