Table I.
BCL2 and MKI67 expression in endometrial polyps (stroma and gland), stratified by BMI.
Genes | BMI <24.9 | BMI >25 and <29.9 | BMI ≥30 | P-value |
BCL2 G | 2.6±0.6 | 2.8±0.3 | 2.7±0.4 | 0.71a |
BCL2 S | 2.6±0.5 | 2.7±0.4 | 2.4±0.7 | 0.69a |
MKI67 G | 1.4±0.5 | 1.5±0.5 | 2.1±0.1 | 0.02b |
MKI67 S | 1.0±0.2 | 1.0±0.2 | 1.1±0.3 | 0.85a |
aKruskal-Wallis. Post hoc tests were not calculated because the P-value was >0.05.
bKruskal-Wallis, Dunn post hoc test. Significant between BMI <24.9 kg/m2 vs. BMI >30 kg/m2. The numbers presented in the table are the mean scores. BMI, body mass index; BCL2 G, BCL2 glandular; BCL2 S, BCL2 stromal; MKI67 G, MKI67 glandular; MKI67 S, MKI67 stromal; MKI67, marker of proliferation Ki-67.