Figure 8.
Human TNBC cell lines enhance immunogenicity in response to type I IFN or 3M‐052. MCF7, CAL‐120, MDA‐MB‐231, MDA‐MB‐453 and MDA‐MB‐468 cells were stimulated with either DMSO, 3M‐052 or IFN‐α for 48 h, and expression of (a) HLA‐ABC and (b) PD‐L1 was assessed by flow cytometry. (c) TLR7 and (d) TLR8 expression of various human TNBC cell lines and THP1. MFI: mean fluorescence intensity. Experiments were independently repeated twice, and representative data are shown. (a, b) n = 4 biological replicates/group and (c, d) n = 3 biological replicates/group. Data are one representative of two independent experiments. Statistical analysis was performed by one‐way ANOVA with post hoc Tukey's multiple comparison test. Error bars are SEM. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; and ****P < 0.0001.