Fig. 6.
Evidence of a tandem duplication event of BL6-specific CTCF binding sites on Chromosome 4 in multiple tissues linked to the expansion of a family of interferon genes. a A summary view of 200 kb on Chromosome 4 band C4 of the BL6 genome. The top two tracks show the CTCF-cohesin bound genomic regions in musculus-common and BL6-specific tissue-shared sites. The next track in blue shows the read coverage for CTCF BL6-specific tissue-shared binding sites. All genes in the 200-kb window are denoted below in red, with arrowheads indicating the direction of transcription. The pairwise alignments of the BL6 region to CAST (yellow) and rat (purple) show a noticeable lack of any orthologous regions in either species. The repeat content of the genomic region is shown in the bottom three grey tracks, illustrating the noticeable lack of any large-scale repeat elements in the highlighted region. b A zoomed-in view of the 57.6 kb region 4:88752534-88810107 in which BL6-specific CTCF-cohesin colocalised binding was observed. The top two tracks in orange and brown indicate read coverage signal from H3K4me3 and H3K27ac, respectively. The next five tracks in blue indicate CTCF ChIP-seq read coverage in five tissues (described in Fig. 2) and illustrated that these CTCF sites are also bound in other tissues. The 15 interferon zeta cluster genes are shown below the tracks. c Heatmap of the extent of sequence between similarity in a multiple sequence alignment of the 15 CTCF-cohesin binding sites and interferon zeta genes on the C4 band of BL6 chromosome 4. The dendrogram on the left is generated from the overall sequence similarity of each region. Coordinates represent the start and end positions of each binding site