a.b, Mouse cortical astrocytes (a) treated with shCtrl or shPTB lentivirus, stained for Tuj1 (red) and MAP2 (green). Scale bar: 80 μm. Right: quantified results (n= 5 biological repeats). Error bars: SEM. Electrophysiological recordings (b), showing repetitive action potentials (top left), large currents of voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels (top right), and spontaneous post-synaptic currents after co-culture with rat astrocytes (bottom). Indicated in each panel is the number of cells that showed the recorded activity versus the number of cells examined.
c,d, Design of the AAV-shPTB vector (c). AAV-Empty: same vector without shPTB. Schematic of the midbrain section for immunochemical analysis in the indicated panels (d).
e,f, Gradual conversion of midbrain astrocytes to NeuN+ neurons (e). Shown are representative images (Scale bar: 50 μm) at 3 time points and quantified RFP+ cells that showed positive staining for NeuN (left), DDC (middle), and TH (right). n=3 biological repeats (f). Error bars: SEM.
g, Converted TH+ DA neurons marked by Girk2 or Calbindin. Scale bar: 20 μm. Bottom right: Quantified results were based on 3 mice. Error bars: SEM.
h, Electrophysiological recordings on brain slices showing large currents of voltage-dependent sodium and potassium channels (top, left), spontaneous post-synaptic currents (top, right), repetitive action potentials (bottom, left), and mature DA neuron-associated HCN channel activities, specifically blocked with 2 mM CsCl (bottom, right). Indicated in each panel is the number of cells that showed the recorded activity versus the number of cells examined.