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. 2020 Sep 28;26:373–410. doi: 10.1016/j.spc.2020.09.017
ID Label Weight <Occurrences>
178 Entropy 6
179 Exploitation 6
180 Fuzzy ahp 6
181 Genetic algorithm 6
182 Green supply chain 6
183 Heuristics 6
184 India 6
185 Information asymmetry 6
186 Internet of things 6
187 Interpretive structural modeling 6
188 Japan 6
189 Machine learning 6
190 Market disruption 6
191 Mathematical modeling 6
192 Mixed integer programming 6
193 Multi-agent systems 6
194 Production disruption 6
195 Quantity discount 6
196 Recycling 6
197 Revenue sharing contract 6
198 Risks 6
199 Scm 6
200 Scrm 6
201 Sensitivity analysis 6
202 Service level 6
203 Smes 6
204 Social responsibility 6
205 Stochastic mixed integer programming 6
206 Strategic planning 6
207 Structural equation modeling 6
208 Suppliers 6
209 Supply chain agility 6
210 Supply chain ambidexterity 6
211 Supply chain security 6
212 Supply networks 6
213 Survey 6
214 Thailand 6
215 Trade 6
216 Value chain 6
217 Variational inequalities 6
218 Adaptability 5
219 Ahp 5
220 Automobile industry 5
221 Backup supplier 5
222 Benders decomposition 5
223 Business model 5
224 Buyer-supplier relationships 5
225 Complex network 5
226 Disaster response 5
227 Disruptive technology 5
228 Distributed ledger technology 5
229 Distribution 5
230 Dual-sourcing 5
231 Dynamic capability 5
232 Emergency 5
233 Emergency response 5
234 Empirical study 5
235 Financial performance 5
236 Fmea 5
237 Food 5
238 Food system 5
239 Fuzzy logic 5
240 Global value chain 5
241 Goal programming 5
242 Indonesia 5
243 Information systems 5
244 Infrastructure 5
245 International trade 5
246 Life cycle assessment 5
247 Linear programming 5
248 Marketing 5
249 Mathematical programming 5
250 Metaheuristics 5
251 Mixed integer linear programming 5
252 Monte Carlo simulation 5
(continued on next page)