Figure 4. Functional role of Plac8.
(A) CTPE cells where Plac8 expression was reduced using siRNA (Plac8siRNA) or a non-specific/scrambled siRNA (Control) were treated with cadmium (Cd) or vehicle (UT) for 24 h; cell viability was then determined. (B) RWPE-1 cells where Plac8 was overexpressed (pCMV-Plac8) were treated with cadmium for 24 h and cell viability was determined. Western blots present changes in Plac8 expression due to RNAi or overexpression. Student’s t-tests were used to calculate statistically significance differences between the various treatment groups. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001.