Fig 2. Global allele frequencies of SNPS significantly associates with prostate cancer.
A depiction of the global minor allele frequencies rs76595456 (A), rs72725879 (B), and rs1456315 (C). (A) rs76595456 represents the most significantly associated SNP in the African American GWAS. The minor allele, T, is found only in populations of recent African ancestries. (B) rs72725879 represents the only SNP to be identified by DAP-G in a cluster in both the African American and Japanese American GWAS. (C) rs1456315 represents the most significantly associated SNP in the Japanese American GWAS. rs1456315 (C) is found in strong LD with rs72725879 (B) (r2 = 0.815) in the Japanese American GWAS population. rs1456315 and rs72725879 are not linked in the African American GWAS population (r2 = 0.448). This figure was adapted from one generated using the Geography of Genetic Variants Browser [36]. SNP position on chromosome 8 is labeled using hg19 coordinates from 1000G.