Embryos produced by ICSI from spermatozoa from a monkey with 93% of donor-derived spermatozoa. Epididymal spermatozoa corresponding to the transplanted testis of recipient #076 was used to fertilize rhesus oocytes by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The subsequent in vitro culture resulted in embryos at the 12-cell (A), morula (B), compact morula (C), and blastocyst (D) stages. (E) Microsatellite DNA fingerprinting of a representative embryo, and comparison with the oocyte, donor, and recipient profiles. Microsatellite loci are noted above each column of electropherograms, and the alleles specific for the oocyte donor (represented by purple font and arrow) transplant donor (represented by black font and arrow) and transplant recipient (represented by green font and arrow) are indicated on each electropherogram panel