Functions of TANRs. TANRs function at the transcriptional level: 1. Transcriptional Interference: TNAR together with its associated functional protein regulates the transcription of its sense protein-coding gene via binding to the sense promoter region; 2. Gene Looping: TNAR together with its associated functional protein regulates the transcription of its upstream gene by juxtaposing the promoter and terminator together; 3. Transcriptional Termination: TNAR together with its associated functional protein regulates the transcription termination of its upstream gene by binding to the protein-coding gene 3′ UTR. TANRs function at the posttranscriptional level: 4. MiRNA Sponge: TNAR together with its associated functional protein regulates mRNA translation by sponging miRNA from its target mRNA; 5. Target Cleavage: TNAR together with its associated functional protein can direct cleavage of target mRNA at specific site. 6. RNA Modification: TNAR together with its associated functional protein can guide RNA modification at specific site.