(A) Representative data of the kinetic parameters of the strain KM1. Cell pellets of strain KM1 were resuspended in mineral nitrite medium containing different concentrations of NH4Cl and were incubated at room temperature with continuous agitation. Circle plots indicate the nitrite consumption in the absence or presence of NH4Cl (0 – 3.58 mM). Lines indicate the fitted Michaelis–Menten kinetic equations. (B) Km values for nitrite (μM) plotted against free ammonia concentration (mg-NH3 L–1 and mM). The experiments were performed using biological triplicates. The values outside the mean ± standard deviation (68.3% confidence interval) of three data in each condition were removed, which are shown as gray circles. The shown mean and standard deviation were recalculated using the remaining plots. All the kinetic data is shown in Supplementary Table S3.