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. 2020 Sep 29;34(2):135–141. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2020.09.006

Table 1.

Design and development of the questionnaire.

Domains identified as potential risk factors for COVID-19 transmission Specific research question Survey questions (the actual questionnaire is provided in Supplementary Appendix)
Location in the ICU for managing patients with COVID-19 Are patients with suspected/confirmed COVID-19 managed in negative-pressure single rooms or neutral-pressure rooms?
  • What is the proposed location to treat confirmed COVID-19 patients requiring ICU admission?

Practices around oxygen therapy systems for nonintubated patients with COVID-19 that are known to be aerosol-generating procedures (AGPs) What oxygen therapy systems are being provided for nonintubated patients with suspected/confirmed COVID-19?
  • A young well-functioning patient has confirmed COVID-19. His resp rate is 30/min with Saturation ∼80–85% on room air. Other systems are normal. What O2 therapy is considered appropriate in your hospital?

  • Have you set up specialized a “COVID Intubation Team” to intubate suspected/confirmed COVID-19 patients?

PPE practice, defined as the choice of equipment used to protect ICU HCWs What PPE is used while caring for a patient with confirmed COVID-19?
  • As of today, what is your current ICU policy for PPE when you are in the same room as a confirmed COVID-19 patient?

Training processes for procedures that require modification in patients with COVID-19 Does the hospital/ICU provide specific training on minimising the infectious risk to HCWs performing tracheal intubation, intrahospital patient transport, donning/doffing PPE (including using buddy systems and N95/P2 respirator fit testing), and waste disposal?
  • What training has been instituted to prepare for COVID-19?

  • For the N95 or P2 mask, does your hospital provide a fit-testing using either quantitative or qualitative (odor-detection) methods?

  • Do you have a “buddy-system” to check PPE practice?

  • Showering/shampooing after caring for a COVID patient

PPE availability in each ICU (PPE stock) Is the hospital/ICU aware of PPE stock?
  • Is the current stock of essential PPE equipment adequate to manage 3 confirmed COVID-19 patients in your ICU for at least 1 week?

Ancillary domains of interest Does the hospital/ICU have a strategy on family visitation practices, both to minimise unnecessary exposure of staff, other patients, and other relatives/families and to optimise PPE stock?
What is the overall perception of HCWs with regard to the PPE practice in their hospital/ICU?
  • What family visitation/communication strategies have you decided for COVID-19 patients?

  • Please describe what constitutes a “breach in PPE” in your hospital. What measures do you take when a breach is identified?

  • Do you feel safe/secure and adequately protected with the PPE methods offered by your hospital/ICU?

COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; AGP, aerosol-generating procedure; PPE, personal protective equipment; PAPR, powered air-purifying respirator; N95, not resistant to oil-based aerosols; FFP2, filtering facepiece 2; ICU, intensive care unit; HCW, healthcare worker.