Event |
— |
ID of the event |
SUSALPS-RS2018_EL1-01 |
Subplot |
— |
ID of subplot |
EL1-01 |
Latitude |
° |
y coordinate in EPSG 4326 |
47.5921016 |
Longitude |
° |
x coordinate in EPSG 4326 |
11.1586356 |
Date/Time |
— |
sampling date |
2018-04-25 |
Site |
— |
site abbreviation |
EL |
Plot |
— |
plot abbreviation |
EL1 |
Canopy h |
cm |
bulk canopy height; measured with a rising plate meter (RPM) |
7.8 |
Leaf mass area |
g m−2
leaf mass per area (LMA) for a certain PFT sample; calculated from dry weight of leafs (W) and fresh area of leafs (A) as LMA = W/A
46.2 |
— |
plant functional type (PFT) of LMA sample |
Graminoids |
GAI legumes |
— |
green area index (GAI) of legumes; measured with planimeter |
0.1 |
GAI graminoids |
— |
GAI of graminoids; measured with planimeter |
1.1 |
GAI forbs |
— |
GAI of forbs; measured with planimeter |
0.0 |
GAI tot |
— |
total GAI; calculated as sum of all GAI as GAI tot = GAI legumes + GAI graminoids + GAI forbs
1.1 |
Biom dm |
g m−2
weight of dry biomass scaled to 1 m² |
101.5 |
Biom wm |
g m−2
weight of fresh (wet) biomass scaled to 1 m² |
491.2 |
Non-green veg |
% |
percentage of non-green vegetation related to Biom dm |
2 |
Legumes |
% |
percentage of legumes related to Biom dm |
3 |
Forbs |
% |
percentage of forbs related to Biom dm |
1 |
Graminoids |
% |
percentage of graminoids related to Biom dm |
94 |
% |
plant water content; calculated as PWC = (Biom wm - Biom dm)/Biom wm * 100
79.3 |
N cont non-green veg |
% |
nitrogen content of non-green vegetation as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
2.35 |
C cont non-green veg |
% |
carbon content of non-green vegetation as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
41.20 |
N cont legumes |
% |
nitrogen content of legumes as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
3.66 |
C cont legumes |
% |
carbon content of legumes as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
41.69 |
N cont forbs |
% |
nitrogen content of forbs as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
2.05 |
C cont forbs |
% |
carbon content of forbs as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
42.10 |
N cont graminoids |
% |
nitrogen content of graminoids as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
3.13 |
C cont graminoids |
% |
carbon content of graminoids as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
42.44 |
N org |
% |
nitrogen content of a mixed sub-sample (plant community N) as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
2.76 |
C org |
% |
carbon content of a mixed sub-sample (plant community C) as wt.%; measured with element analyser CNS |
41.78 |
N org |
% |
mean nitrogen content of a sample (plant community N) as wt.%; calculated from percentage of each PFT and the corresponding N content: N org = Non-green veg * N cont non-green veg + Legumes * N cont legumes + Forbs * N cont forbs + Graminoids * N cont graminoids
3.12 |
C org |
% |
mean carbon content of sample (plant community C) as wt.%; calculated from percentage of each PFT and the corresponding C content: C org = Non-green veg * C cont non-green veg + Legumes * C cont legumes + Forbs * C cont forbs + Graminoids * C cont graminoids
42.39 |