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. 2020 Sep 29;15:73. doi: 10.1186/s13011-020-00313-2

Table 4.

Regression Model of Healthcare Costs of Inpatients with Illicit Drug SUD

Variable Parameter Estimate Standard Error Pr > |t| % Change to Cost
Intercept 8.3235 0.0059 <.0001
Gender Female − 0.0005 0.0027 0.8552
Male (ref.)
Age Agea 0.0067 0.0001 <.0001 0.68%
Ethnicity Hispanica −0.0250 0.0046 <.0001 −2.47%
Non-Hispanic (ref.)
Race Blacka −0.0394 0.0034 <.0001 −3.87%
Othera 0.1217 0.0064 <.0001 12.94%
White (ref.)
Rural Rural −0.0075 0.0070 0.2864
Urban (ref.)
Payer Uninsureda −0.1035 0.0044 <.0001 −9.83%
Medicarea 0.0281 0.0043 <.0001 2.85%
Medicaida −0.0701 0.0044 <.0001 −6.77%
Other Insurancea −0.0529 0.0067 <.0001 −5.15%
Commercial (ref.)
LOS LOSa 0.0501 0.0001 <.0001 5.14%
Trauma Alert Trauma Alerta 1.1036 0.0133 <.0001 201.51%
Non-Trauma Alert (ref.)
Physical Comorbidities Liver Diseasea 0.1868 0.0052 <.0001 20.54%
Severe Liver Diseasea 0.2642 0.0145 <.0001 30.23%
HIV/AIDSa 0.1325 0.0108 <.0001 14.17%
None (ref.)
Mental Comorbidities Anxiety −0.0023 0.0031 0.4604
Mooda −0.1366 0.0110 <.0001 −12.77%
Schizophrenia and Personalitya −0.2184 0.0050 <.0001 −19.62%
Bipolara 0.0993 0.0050 <.0001 10.43%
Depressiona 0.0555 0.0035 <.0001 5.71%
Conducta −0.4158 0.0286 <.0001 −34.02%
PTSDa −0.1844 0.0057 <.0001 −16.84%
ADHDa −0.1264 0.0102 <.0001 −11.87%
None (ref.)
Drugs Opioidsa 0.2103 0.0042 <.0001 23.40%
Sedativesa −0.1602 0.0091 <.0001 −14.80%
Cocainea −0.0711 0.0047 <.0001 −6.87%
Stimulantsa −0.0772 0.0072 <.0001 −7.43%
Hallucinogensa −0.1279 0.0313 <.0001 −12.00%
Inhalantsa 0.1510 0.0345 <.0001 16.30%
Multiple Drugsa −0.1090 0.0045 <.0001 −10.33%
Cannabis (ref.)
Teaching Hospital Teachinga 0.1632 0.0045 <.0001 17.73%
Non-Teaching (ref.)
Hospital Ownership For-Profita 0.0149 0.0029 <.0001 14.96%
Governmenta −0.0957 0.0042 <.0001 −9.13%
Not-For-Profit (ref.)

astatistically significant at the α = 0.05 level