Fig. 5.
Decomposition of the tetanic contraction with the force decrease into twitch-shape responses to successive stimuli. a, a single fast resistant motor unit force recording with a low–high–low stimulation frequency pattern. b, recording of the same motor unit at a low–high frequency stimulation. c, mathematical difference between (a) and (b), taken for the decomposition. d, a train of twitch-shape responses to successive stimuli resulting from the mathematical decomposition of recording (c). e, all decomposed twitches presented superimposed with the stimulus time accepted as 0 for all twitches. The contractile parameters of successive twitches for 10 studied motor units (mean ± SD) presented in relation to the first decomposed twitch (100%): f – twitch force, g – contraction time and (h) – half-relaxation time (mean values and standard deviations). Due to some differences between individual motor units regarding the number of stimuli at the last low-frequency phase (minimum 12), the data are presented for 12 twitches