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. 2020 May 14;103(2):411–426. doi: 10.1093/biolre/ioaa075

Table 1.

Physiological functions of proteins in male accessory gland secretions potentially involved in regulating fertility in humans and rodents.

Protein Gene (human) Gene (mouse) Function Phenotypes when mutated, overexpressed, or genetically ablated
Seminal vesicles
SEMG1 SEMG1 Svs2 SEMG1 forms intermolecular disulfide bridges with SEMG2 resulting in high molecular weight coagulum upon ejaculation [7]. Inhibits sperm motility [10, 11]. SVS2 is a known decapacitation factor and maintains sperm motility and sperm cholesterol levels, prevents spontaneous sperm capacitation, and is essential for sperm survival in the mouse uterus [66, 68] SEMG1 variants (rs147894843, rs2301366) associated with infertility [57, 63]. Elevated SEMG1 precursor reported in oligozoospermic men [64]. Svs2−/− mice are subfertile with defects in copulatory plug formation [68]
SVS7 SVS7 Pate4 SVS7 in mouse is essential for copulatory plug formation in vivo [69]. SVS7 enhances mouse sperm motility in vitro [70] No known mutation/phenotype reported in humans. Pate4−/− mice are subfertile with defects in copulatory plug formation [69]
SERPINE2/PN1 SERPINE2/PN1 Serpine2/Pn1 Serine protease inhibitor acts as a decapacitation factor [82]. Inhibits protein tyrosine phosphorylation and sperm capacitation [82] Elevated PN1 levels in semen of men displaying seminal dysfunction [85]. Pn1−/− mice are infertile due to altered seminal protein composition and defects in copulatory plug formation [85]
SPINK3/SPINK1 SPINK3/SPINK1 Spink3/Spink1 Serine protease inhibitor prevents premature acrosomal reaction and protects sperm in the uterine environment in mice [89, 90] No known mutation/phenotype involving fertility reported in humans or mice
SPINKL No known ortholog Spinkl Serine protease inhibitor acts as decapacitation factor and enhances sperm motility in mice [97] No known mutation/phenotype involving fertility reported in humans or mice
Testis and epididymis
EPPIN SPINLW1 No known ortholog Localized on the sperm surface. Modulates KLK3 activity and acts as decapacitating factor [10, 78, 79]. EPPIN-bound SEMG1 crucial for SEMGs degradation and initiation of progressive sperm motility [11] SPINLW1 upregulated in caput epididymis of non-obstructive azoospermic patients [80]. rs11594 variant associated with increased risk of idiopathic male infertility in Chinese–Han population [81].
SPINK2 SPINK2 Spink2 Serine protease inhibitor protects sperm against protease activity during spermatogenesis Homozygous SPINK2 mutation leads to azoospermia in men [86]. Decreased SPINK2 expression in azoospermic infertile men [87]. Spink2 mutant mice have elevated serine protease activity and exhibit impaired fertility [88]. Spink2−/− mice are azoospermic and infertile [86]
SPINK5 SPINK5 Spink5 Serine protease inhibitor inhibits KLK5, 7, and 14 activities in corneocytes and regulates desquamation process [91, 92] No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in humans or mice
SPINK13 SPINK13 Spink13 Serine protease inhibitor. Essential for acrosomal integrity, sperm maturation, and fertility in rats [96] No known mutation/phenotype reported in humans. Spink13 knockdown rats demonstrate premature acrosomal reaction and reduced fertility [96]
Prostate gland
KLK1 KLK1 Klk1/mGK6 Serine protease Low level observed in SHV samples [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK2/hK2 KLK2 No known ortholog Serine protease cleaves fibronectin and SEMGs [42, 43]. Activator of pro-KLK3 [22–25]. Inhibited by Zn2+ [43] Low KLK2 seminal levels observed in men with abnormal liquefaction and SHV [58]. SNP (rs2664155) associated with male infertility [61]
KLK3/PSA KLK3 No known ortholog Serine protease. Major enzyme hydrolyzes SEMGs and fibronectin and liquefies semen coagulum facilitating sperm motility [8, 10, 36, 39–41]. Inhibited by Zn2+ [8, 41, 48] Low KLK3 level observed in men with SHV [55, 57] and abnormal liquefaction [58]. Reduced sperm motility observed in men with low seminal KLK3 levels [59]. SNPs (rs266881, rs174776, rs1810020, rs266875, rs35192866) associated with male infertility [60]
KLK4 KLK4 Klk4 Serine protease activates pro-KLK3 [26] No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in humans or mice
KLK5 KLK5 Klk5 Serine protease. Initiates liquefaction cascade by activating downstream pro-KLK2, 3, 7, 8 and 14 [17, 21]. Cleaves fibronectin and SEMGs [21, 44]. Inhibited by Zn2+ [21] Low level observed in SHV samples [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK6 KLK6 Klk6 Serine protease exhibits catalytic activity towards fibronectin [46] Low level observed in SHV samples in humans [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK7 KLK7 Klk7 Serine protease exhibits catalytic activity towards fibronectin [47] KLK7 (rs1654526) SNP associated with SHV in humans [57]. Low level observed in SHV samples in humans [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK8 KLK8 Klk8 Serine protease Low level observed in SHV samples [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK10 KLK10 Klk10 Serine protease Low level observed in SHV samples [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK12 KLK12 Klk12 Serine protease KLK12 (rs61742847) SNP associated with SHV [57]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK13 KLK13 Klk13 Serine protease exhibits catalytic activity towards fibronectin [44] Low seminal levels observed in men with abnormal liquefaction and SHV [58]. No known mutation/phenotype reported involving fertility in mice
KLK14 KLK14 Klk14 Serine protease. Activates pro-KLK1, 3, 5 and 11 [20, 27, 28]. Cleaves fibronectin and SEMGs [27, 28]. Inhibited by Zn2+ [28] Low seminal levels observed in men with clinically delayed liquefaction, SHV, and asthenospermia [28, 58]. KLK14 inhibition by ACTG9 delays semen liquefaction [27]. No known mutation/phenotype reported in mice involving fertility
TGM4 TGM4 Tgm4 A prostate-specific autoantigen plays a critical role in male reproduction and catalyzes the formation of N-ε-(γ-glutamyl)lysine cross-bridges between SEMGs in humans [72] and SVS proteins in mice [75], respectively TGM4 autoantibodies are detected in subfertile adult male patients with autoimmune polyendocrine syndrome type 1, caused by mutations in autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene [74]. Tgm4−/− mice are subfertile with defects in copulatory plug formation and seminal fluid viscosity [75]. Aire−/− mice develop TGM4 autoantibodies, compromised TGM4 secretion, prostatitis, and exhibit subfertility [74].