Extended Data Fig. 2:
Cxcl12 is dispensable for microglia to colonize the embryonic brain. a, Confocal analysis of Cxcr4 and Cxcr4-GFP expression in Iba1+ microglia at the indicated embryonic and postnatal stages (n=1 mouse each). The table shows the number of analyzed Iba1+ cells and the number of co-positives. b, Confocal micrographs demonstrate F4/80/Cxcr4 and Iba1/Cxcr4 dual immunofluorescences at E13.5 and E18.5, respectively (images are representative for n=1 mouse each). c, F4/80 immunofluorescence in coronal head sections of a wild-type mouse and a Cxcl12−/− littermate at E13.5. Graphs depict the number of F4/80+ cells per mm2 determined in 3 matched sectional planes in the dorsal and ventral telencephalon and in one sectional plane in the diencephalon of E13.5 wild-type mice and Cxcl12−/− littermates (images are representative for n=6 mice each). d, Layering of Iba1+ microglia in cortices of a Cxcr4-deficient mouse and a wild-type littermate at E16.5. The microglia-dense layer to the top represents the subdural meninx (images are representative for n=4 mice each). The graph shows the frequency of Iba1+ microglia in the indicated cortical layers as percentage of all counted microglia (n=4 mice each). e, Cxcr4 immunostaining in cortices of a Cxcr4-deficient mouse and a control littermate at E16.5 (n=4 mice each). Abbreviations: CP, cortical plate; Ctx, cerebral cortex; dTel, dorsal telencephalon; hTh, hypothalamus; IZ, intermediate zone; LV, lateral ventricle; MZ, marginal zone; SVZ, subventricular zone; Th, thalamus; vTel, ventral telencephalon; VZ, ventricular zone. Graphs and statistics: Circles and red lines show individual mice and mean values, respectively. No significant differences as by two-way ANOVA for sectional plane/genotype interaction for dorsal telencephalon (c, p=0.06) and ventral telencephalon (c, p=0.96) and for layer/genotype interaction for cerebral cortex (d, p=0.08) and by two-sided t test for diencephalon (c, p=0.8). Scale bars: 250 μm and 20 μm (b), 500 μm (c), 40 μm (d), and 10 μm (e).