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. 2020 Jan 25;12(1):1704141. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2019.1704141

Figure 3.

Figure 3.

Energy expenditure, substrate metabolism, GLP-1 and PYY before and after AXOS (n = 24) and Placebo (n = 24) intervention. Data are mean ± SEM and analyzed using 2-way repeated measure ANOVA with time (pre/post) and intervention as covariates. (a,b) Postprandial fat oxidation iAUC0-5h tended to increase after AXOS intervention (time*intervention P< .01, post-hoc AXOS P = .073, placebo P = .089). (c) Energy expenditure, (d) CHO oxidation, (e) CHO oxidation iAUC and (f) RQ were unchanged between groups after intervention. (g,h) Postprandial GLP-1 AUC0-90min decreased after AXOS intervention compared to placebo (time*intervention P = .043, post hoc AXOS P= .33, placebo P= .972). (i) PPY was not affected by the intervention. AXOS Arabinoxylan-Oligosaccharides, CHO carbohydrate, GLP-1 glucagon-like peptide-1, PYY peptide YY, iAUC incremental area under the curve, EE energy expenditure, RQ respiratory quotient, * P < .05.