Figure 1.
A) MODEL 1: E wave velocity, LAVi, and TR velocity were the most accurate predictors of PCWP >15 mmHg. B)MODEL 2:GLS4 ch, AT RVOT and LAVi. Model 1 and Model 2 were used in patient with HFrEF and predicted PCWP of 22 mmHg (see the hemodynamic data on the right side). HFrEF: Heart Failure and reducedejection fraction; PCWP: pulmonary capillary wedge pressure. AT RVOT, acceleration time at right ventricular outflow track; E/A, peak e‐wave velocity/peak a‐wave velocity ratio; E/e' peak, e‐wave velocity divided by mitral annular e' velocity (average); E wave, peak mitral e‐wave velocity; GLS 4ch, global longitudinal strain in four chamber view; HFrEF, heart failure and reduced ejection fraction; LAVi, left atrial volume indexed; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; TR velocity, tricuspid regurgitation peak velocity.