Figure 5. Time-dependent elimination of infected cells.
ADCC of individual antibodies and combinations was tested using a primary in vitro autologous model, in which primary CD4+ T cells were used as targets and infected with PG9-resistant, PGT121-sensitive LRVs (P674) (A); PG9-sensitive, PGT121-sensitive LRVs (P725) (B); PGT121-resistant LRVs (P795) (C); and PG9-, PGT121-, DH511.2K3-resistant LRVs (P800) (D). The percentage specific killing is reported on the y axis and individual mAbs or combinations on the x axis. White bars represent killing after 2 hours; black bars represent killing after 24 hours; gray bars represent killing after 24 hours in the absence of effectors.