1. If the study collected data on harms and benefits, the title of the abstract should state so |
Adverse events mentioned in the title |
0 (0%) |
Adverse events mentioned in the abstract |
9 (56%) |
2. If the trial addresses both harms and benefits, the introduction should state so |
Information on adverse events mentioned in the introduction |
5 (31%) |
3. List addressed adverse events with definitions for each (with attention, when relevant, to grading, expected versus unexpected events, reference to standardized and validated definitions, and description of new definitions) |
3a. If article mentioned the use of a validated instrument to report adverse event severity |
5 (31%) |
3b. If article mentioned definition of adverse event |
8 (50%) |
4. Clarify how harm-related information was collected (mode of data collection, timing, attribution methods, intensity of ascertainment, and harm-related monitoring and stopping rules, if pertinent) |
4a. Description of how harm data were collected (e.g. diaries, phone interviews, face-to-face interviews) |
7 (44%) |
4b. Description of when adverse event data were collected |
9 (56%) |
4c. Whether or not adverse events were attributed to trial drug (e.g. how adverse events were attributed to drugs) |
2 (13%) |
5. Describe plans for presenting and analysing information on harms (including coding, handling of recurrent events, specification of timing issues, handling of continuous measures, and any statistical analyses) |
5. Description of methods for presenting and/or analysing adverse events |
2 (13%) |
6. Describe for each arm the participant withdrawals that are due to harms and the experience with the allocated treatment |
6a. If the article reported number of withdraws caused by adverse events in each arm |
7 (44%) |
6b. Description of adverse events leading to withdrawals |
5(31%) |
6c. Description of adverse events leading to death |
2 (13%) |
7. Provide the denominators for analyses on harms |
7a. If the article provided denominators for adverse events |
10 (63%) |
7b. If the article provided definitions used for analysis set (intention to treat, per protocol, safety data available, unclear) |
3 (19%) |
8. Present the absolute risk of each adverse event (specifying type, grade, and seriousness per arm), and present appropriate metrics for recurrent events, continuous variables, and scale variables, whenever pertinent |
8a. Results presented separately for each arm |
13 (81%) |
8b. Separate reporting of severe adverse events s (grade >2 or serious adverse events) |
11 (69%) |
8c. Provided both number of adverse events and number of patients with adverse events |
2 (13%) |
9. Describe any subgroup analyses and exploratory analyses for harms |
– |
2 (13%) |
10. Provide a balanced discussion of benefits and harms with emphasis on study limitations, generalizability, and other sources of information on harms |
10a. If the discussion was balanced with regard to efficacy and adverse events |
9 (56%) |
10b. Limitations of the study specifically in relation to adverse events discussed |
2 (13%) |