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. 2020 Sep 29;101:107–120. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2020.09.1470

Table 2.

Items adequately reported against the quality of reporting criteria (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) Extension for Harm).

Recommendations of 2004 CONSORT harm extension Quality of reporting criteria Number of trials
1. If the study collected data on harms and benefits, the title of the abstract should state so Adverse events mentioned in the title 0 (0%)
Adverse events mentioned in the abstract 9 (56%)
2. If the trial addresses both harms and benefits, the introduction should state so Information on adverse events mentioned in the introduction 5 (31%)
3. List addressed adverse events with definitions for each (with attention, when relevant, to grading, expected versus unexpected events, reference to standardized and validated definitions, and description of new definitions) 3a. If article mentioned the use of a validated instrument to report adverse event severity 5 (31%)
3b. If article mentioned definition of adverse event 8 (50%)
4. Clarify how harm-related information was collected (mode of data collection, timing, attribution methods, intensity of ascertainment, and harm-related monitoring and stopping rules, if pertinent) 4a. Description of how harm data were collected (e.g. diaries, phone interviews, face-to-face interviews) 7 (44%)
4b. Description of when adverse event data were collected 9 (56%)
4c. Whether or not adverse events were attributed to trial drug (e.g. how adverse events were attributed to drugs) 2 (13%)
5. Describe plans for presenting and analysing information on harms (including coding, handling of recurrent events, specification of timing issues, handling of continuous measures, and any statistical analyses) 5. Description of methods for presenting and/or analysing adverse events 2 (13%)
6. Describe for each arm the participant withdrawals that are due to harms and the experience with the allocated treatment 6a. If the article reported number of withdraws caused by adverse events in each arm 7 (44%)
6b. Description of adverse events leading to withdrawals 5(31%)
6c. Description of adverse events leading to death 2 (13%)
7. Provide the denominators for analyses on harms 7a. If the article provided denominators for adverse events 10 (63%)
7b. If the article provided definitions used for analysis set (intention to treat, per protocol, safety data available, unclear) 3 (19%)
8. Present the absolute risk of each adverse event (specifying type, grade, and seriousness per arm), and present appropriate metrics for recurrent events, continuous variables, and scale variables, whenever pertinent 8a. Results presented separately for each arm 13 (81%)
8b. Separate reporting of severe adverse events s (grade >2 or serious adverse events) 11 (69%)
8c. Provided both number of adverse events and number of patients with adverse events 2 (13%)
9. Describe any subgroup analyses and exploratory analyses for harms 2 (13%)
10. Provide a balanced discussion of benefits and harms with emphasis on study limitations, generalizability, and other sources of information on harms 10a. If the discussion was balanced with regard to efficacy and adverse events 9 (56%)
10b. Limitations of the study specifically in relation to adverse events discussed 2 (13%)