For each experiment, cartoons illustrate the cut (orange dotted lines), and stereomicroscope images the responses of live regenerates, while fluorescent images show phalloidin staining (in white) of the regions outlined by brown squares in the stereomicroscope images. Quantification of phenotypes at the bottom left of each image. (
A) Small fragment containing a gonad and a canal section, with a regenerated manubrium visible at 4 dpd. (
B) Manubrium dissection: at 24 hpd, radial smooth muscle fibers have joined at the center of the jellyfish, forming a ‘muscle hub’. Right panel is the same shown in
Figure 2A. (
C) Manubrium dissection, coupled to a long cut through the umbrella and to the removal of radial canal connections to gonads. Fluorescent image shows a double hub forming 24 hpd (phalloidin staining). The stereomicroscope image of a 7 dpd regenerate shows two manubria, formed once the canal connections were reestablished. (
D) Manubrium dissection, coupled to a long cut through the umbrella: Hoechst staining images illustrating the possible outcomes at 24 hpd and 5 dpd, quantified below (as indicated by the color code, see:
Figure 6—figure supplement 1—source data 1). Scale bars: 1 mm for stereomicroscope images, 200 µm for fluorescent images.