A–B’) Confocal images showing
Tg(12xSBE:EGFP) expression (white) in 24 (
A) and 75 (
B) hpf hearts. Green, ECs; white dotted lines outline the OFT. (
C–D’) Confocal images of 75 hpf wild-type larvae immunostained for p-Smad3 (white,
C) or showing
Tg(12xSBE:EGFP) expression (white,
D); white dotted lines outline the OFT; green dotted lines outline the ECs. (
E) Schematics of a 36 hpf heart showing ECs inside (OFT ECs) and outside (heart ECs) the OFT quantified in
Figure 2C. (
F) Intensity ratio of p-Smad3 and p-Smad1/5/8 immunostaining (normalized to DAPI) between ECs and surrounding cells in the OFT at 24 hpf. Every dot represents the ratio of ECs vs surrounding cells in each embryo. (
G–H’) 24 hpf
Tg(kdrl:EGFP) alk5+/+ (
G) and
alk5-/- (
H) hearts immunostained for p-Smad1/5/8 (white). Dotted lines outline OFT ECs. (
I) Quantification of p-Smad1/5/8 immunostaining (normalized to DAPI) in ECs and surrounding cells comparing 24 hpf
alk5+/+ and
alk5-/- OFTs. (
F, I) Plot values represent means ± SD; p values from
t-tests. Scale bars: (
A, A’, C–D’) 10 μm; (
B, B’, G–H’) 20 μm.