Fig. 3. Disentangling soil moisture and vapor pressure deficit limitation effects.
a Daily solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) versus daily vapor pressure deficit (VPD). b Daily SIF versus daily soil moisture (SM). c Daily SIF versus daily VPD, binned by SM. d Daily SIF versus daily SM, binned by VPD. c, d circles denote the averaged SIF within each bin of VPD and SM. e Average SIF in each percentile bin of SM and VPD. The cyan arrows indicate the VPD limitations on SIF without SM-VPD coupling (ΔSIF(VPD|SM)), and the orange arrows indicate the SM limitations on SIF without SM-VPD coupling (ΔSIF(SM|VPD)). For better readability, only four arrows are shown. f Distribution of ΔSIF(VPD|SM) and ΔSIF(SM|VPD). Circles denote the ΔSIF(VPD|SM) and ΔSIF(SM|VPD) in each bin. Squares denote the corresponding mean. The example pixel is located in Mali, West Africa at 14.25°N, −4.75°E. See Methods for more details.