Figure 4.
Subject-specific, muscle-level response to exosuit. Depicted are the changes in fatigue rate (MDF slope) for individual muscles when receiving exosuit assistance as compared to not receiving assistance (Case I: A1 vs. B). Significant decreases (and increases) in MDF slope with the exosuit are denoted by green (and blue-hatched) shading, where darker shades indicate larger magnitudes of change. Non-significant changes are denoted by light gray shading. The degree to which individual muscles experienced significant reductions in fatigue varied from subject to subject, with one showing significant reductions for all muscles (e.g., subject 1) and others showing significant reductions for a subset (e.g., subject 2). Shading is based on the analysis of covariance results, which were very similar to visual inspection. These responses highlight the variability across individual subjects, as well as the variability across the individual muscles of a single subject, demonstrating that there are multiple ways a wearer can adapt to and benefit from the exosuit.