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. 2020 Jun 18;124(6):631–640. doi: 10.1017/S0007114520001361

Table 3.

Distribution of lifestyle factors and food item frequencies by Sweet Treat Index (STI) groups (n 8461)

(Numbers and percentages)

STI Total n %
Low Medium High χ2, P
n % n % n %
Lifestyle factors
 Maternal socio-economic status
  Upper-level employees 643 34·1 1375 30·2 538 26·5 2556 30·2 <0·001
  Lower-level employees 686 36·4 1786 39·3 862 42·4 3334 39·4
  Manual workers 195 10·4 533 11·7 261 12·8 989 11·7
  Students 232 12·3 492 10·8 198 9·7 922 10·9
  Other 127 6·7 360 7·9 173 8·5 660 7·8
 Sleep duration during weekdays
  <Recommended 115 6·1 328 7·2 246 12·1 689 8·1 <0·001
  Recommended 1726 91·7 4129 90·8 1751 86·2 7606 89·9
  >Recommended 42 2·2 89 2·0 35 1·7 166 2·0
 Physical activity per week
  <7 h 805 42·8 1978 43·5 998 49·1 3781 44·7 <0·001
  ≥7 h 1078 57·2 2568 56·5 1034 50·9 4680 55·3
Food item frequencies
 Dark bread
  Once a week or less 391 20·8 847 18·6 436 21·5 1674 19·8 <0·001
  2–6 times a week 914 48·5 2440 53·7 952 46·9 4306 50·9
  At least once a day 578 30·7 1259 27·7 644 31·7 2481 29·3
 Milk or buttermilk
  ≤4 times a week 263 14·0 615 13·5 302 14·9 1180 13·9 0·247
  5–7 times a week 333 17·7 896 19·7 382 18·8 1611 19·0
  Several times a day 1287 68·3 3035 66·8 1348 66·3 5670 67·0
 Cooked vegetables
  Once a week or less 1057 56·1 2562 56·4 1127 55·5 4746 56·1 <0·001
  2–6 times a week 604 32·1 1617 35·6 659 32·4 2880 34·0
  At least once a day 222 11·8 367 8·1 246 12·1 835 9·9
 Fresh vegetables
  Once a week or less 284 15·1 745 16·4 379 18·7 1408 16·6 <0·001
  2–6 times a week 723 38·4 2040 44·9 855 42·1 3618 42·8
  At least once a day 876 46·5 1761 38·7 798 39·3 3435 40·6
 Fruits or berries
  Once a week or less 430 22·8 939 20·7 391 19·2 1760 20·8 <0·001
  2–6 times a week 768 40·8 2151 47·3 935 46·0 3854 45·6
  At least once a day 685 36·4 1456 32·0 706 34·7 2847 33·6
 Fresh juice
  <1 times a week 745 39·6 964 21·2 257 12·6 1966 23·2 <0·001
  1–4 times a week 715 38·0 2078 45·7 681 33·5 3474 41·1
  At least 5 times a week 423 22·5 1504 33·1 1094 53·8 3021 35·7
 Salty snacks
  None 460 24·4 239 5·3 70 3·4 769 9·1 <0·001
  <1 times a week 1067 56·7 2034 44·7 462 22·7 3563 42·1
  At least once a week 356 18·9 2273 50·0 1500 73·8 4129 48·8
  None 777 41·3 877 19·3 230 11·3 1884 22·3 <0·001
  <1 times a week 1006 53·4 3211 70·6 1237 60·9 5454 64·5
  At least once a week 100 5·3 458 10·1 565 27·8 1123 13·3
 Hamburgers or hot dogs
  None 969 51·5 1057 23·3 257 12·6 2283 27·0 <0·001
  <1 times a week 867 46·0 3042 66·9 1178 58·0 5087 60·1
  At least once a week 47 2·5 447 9·8 597 29·4 1091 12·9