Figure 3.
Eleven genes related to senescence, adhesion, endothelial cell function, and VEGF/NOTCH pathways are significantly upregulated in PFC capillaries from B3 samples relative to B1 samples. (A) 11 genes show significant upregulation in B3 vs. B1 microvessels. Welch's unpaired t-test results are shown: **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05, all BH-FDR < 0.2. Plots are shaded by hypothesis-driven functional group. (B) Stepwise multiple regression models were applied to each of the 6 most-consistently upregulated genes to measure the association between Braak change and log2 fold change, adjusting for potential confounders. The first row indicates the independent variables upon which the log2 fold change was regressed per model for each gene. Within each model, the ABC-Braak term regression coefficient (β1), p-value, and BH-FDR are reported. Significant ABC-Braak β1 terms are marked in bold with **p < 0.01, *p < 0.05.