A–B) Growth rate of cells upon organoid passage for the indicated genotypes calculated from nonlinear regression curve fit of data from
Figure 1A and B, respectively (one-way ANOVA; *p<0.02, **p<0.002, ***p<0.0001). (
C) Loss of
Gata3 does not affect organoid size over several passages. Shown is the average diameter of wild type and
Pbsn-Cre Gata3f/f organoids (Average ± SD). (
D–E) Loss of
Gata3 in organoids does not affect proliferation or survival. Immunofluorescence staining for KRT5 and Ki67 (
D) and TUNEL reaction (
E) was done on 4-day-old organoids at passage 2. (
Gata3 loss reduces cell differentiation potential. Organoids from wild type and
Pbsn-Cre Gata3f/f grown for 7 days were passaged and differentiated by dihydrotestosterone (DHT) treatment. The average percentage of organoids which form lumen (
F) and representative images of organoids with and without lumen (
G) for the indicated genotypes (average ± SD, n = 117, two-tailed t-test as compared to wild-type condition; *p<0.0001).