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. 2020 Sep 29;94(20):e01150-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01150-20


Tissue viral loads of GPgV in the dead goslings of experimental coinfection studya

PID Tissue viral load (log10 copies/g)
Spleen Thymus Bursa of Fabricius Rectum Duodenum Pancreas Liver
6 8.74 9.25 9.67 9.28 ND ND ND
7 9.42 9.61 8.71 ND 9.22 ND ND
9.36 9.28 8.92 ND 8.71 ND ND
9.19 9.65 ND ND 9.35 8.95 ND
8.94 9.10 8.87 ND ND 8.90 8.95
8 9.24 10.74 ND 9.90 9.63 ND ND
9.31 9.41 9.06 9.27 8.77 8.97 ND
9.02 9.15 ND 9.34 9.91 ND ND

PID, postinfection day; ND, negative detection.