Fig 7. Determination of caspase-8 and caspase-9 protein levels from Evernia divaricata and Hypogymnia tubulosa with acetone, ethanol and methanol extracts on PC3 cells.
A. Caspase-8 protein expression of Evernia divaricata with acetone, ethanol and, methanol extraction at 24, 48, 72 hours of treatment respectively (upper side). Cleaved caspase-9 protein expression of Evernia divaricata with acetone, ethanol and, methanol extraction at 24, 48, 72 hours of treatment respectively (lower side) B. Caspase-8 protein expression of Hypogymnia tubulosa with acetone, ethanol and, methanol extraction at 72 hours of treatment respectively (upper side). Cleaved caspase-9 protein expression of Hypogymnia tubulosa with acetone, ethanol and, methanol extraction at 72 hours of treatment respectively (lower side).