Figure 1.
The Number of Cumulative Confirmed Cases Was Calibrated to a Bi-logistic Function, Which Was Used to Model Biologic Patterns with Two Growth Phases
The details of the bi-logistic function have been documented previously by Meyer et al.2 The fitting of the bi-logistic function with six parameters was conducted on The parameters K1 (1,491) and K2 (18,350) represent the asymptotic values that bound the function and therefore specify the level at which the epidemic saturates; tm1 (29 March) and tm2 (31 July) represent the midpoint of the growth of the two epidemics and hence the peak of the two outbreaks; Δt1 (23 days) and Δt2 (43 days) are the time intervals required for the epidemics to grow from 10% to 90% of the saturation level, as defined by the bi-logarithmic function; in contrast, we defined the duration of the epidemics ΔT1 (48 days) and ΔT2 (88 days) as the length of time required for the epidemic to grow from 1% to 99% of the saturation level. The first lockdown period was between 16 March and 25 May 2020 (the State of Emergency was declared on 16 March and Stage 2 restrictions were in place between 25 March and 25 May). The second lockdown period was between 9 July and 13 September (9 July to 20 August, stage 3 for all Victoria; 21 August to 13 September, stage 4 for metro Melbourne and stage 3 for regional Victoria). Compulsory use of face masks in public spaces was implemented on 23 July. The first step of the COVID-19 Roadmap for reopening was initiated on 14 September with most of the stage 4 restrictions remaining.