Figure 4.
Detrended correspondence analysis based on species-specific flowering data, axis lengths: DCA1 = 4.03 and DCA2 = 2.63. (A) One data point represents one EcoUnit observed in 1 week (n = 228). The community development over time (18 weeks, starting from week 7 when plant species started to flower) is given with a color gradient for week. Eigenvalues are given in percent and represent the explained variance according to the axes. The treatments are represented by filled symbols (square = 100%, triangle = 25%, circle = 0%). Variables week and treatment are post-hoc correlated (p < 0.001). Arrows are enlarged in scale by the factor two to fit the scale of the plot. Their lengths show differences in explained variance relative to each other. (B) DCA-centroids per week and treatment. The dashed lines connect the symbols that represent the plant community flowering development over time.