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. 2020 Sep 17;11:542125. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.542125

Table 1.

Overview of observed plant species with corresponding abbreviation, family, life from, pollination syndrome, flowering time, and the information whether the species flowered during the experiment.

Species Abbreviation Family Life form Pollination syndrome Flowering time Flowered
Centaurea jacea L. s. l. Cen_jac Asteraceae Hemicryptophyte Insects Jun–Nov yes
Lotus corniculatus L. Lot_cor Fabaceae Hemicryptophyte Insects Jun–Aug yes
Medicago lupulina L. Med_lup Fabaceae Hemicryptophyte Insects, self-pollination May–Oct yes
Plantago lanceolata L. Pla_lan Plantaginaceae Hemicryptophyte Wind, insects, self-pollination May–Oct yes
Scorzoneroides autumnalis (L.) Moench Sco_aut Asteraceae Hemicryptophyte Insects Jul–Sep yes
Trifolium pratense L. Tri_pra Fabaceae Hemicryptophyte Insects Jun–Sep yes
Achillea millefolium L. Ach_mil Asteraceae Hemicryptophyte Insects Jun–Oct no

Information based on Klotz et al. (2002) and our personal observations.