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. 2020 Jan;26(3):326–342. doi: 10.2174/1381612826666200114100553

Table 6.

Attitudes of parents toward HPV related diseases and prevention statements.

Attitude Statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
n % n % n % n % n %
I think HPV is the main cause of cervical cancer. 31 19.2 83 51.5 37 23.0 9 5.6 1 0.6
I think my daughter has a high chance of being
exposed to HPV infection during her lifetime.
15 9.3 58 36.0 57 35.4 22 13.7 9 5.6
I think it is possible that during my life I could be exposed to HPV infection. 37 23.0 80 49.7 33 20.5 9 5.6 2 1.2
I think that both males and females have a role in the transmission of HPV infection. 55 34.16 73 45.3 30 18.6 2 1.2 1 0.6
I think HPV can cause cancer in the anogenital area in both males and females. 53 32.9 68 42.2 35 21.7 4 2.5 1 0.6
I think it is important for me to be able to transmit to my child the information regarding HPV infection and the ways to prevent it taking into account my child's level of understanding. 70 43.5 56 34.8 30 18.6 3 1.9 2 1.2
I think my son/daughter's opinion on HPV vaccination is important in the decision to receive HPV
45 27.95 62 38.5 36 22.4 11 6.8 7 4.3
I think it is important to acquire information about HPV infection and ways to prevent it to discuss these matters with other parents on the basis of objective data and without bias. 61 37.9 67 41.6 31 19.2 1 0.6 1 0.6
I think talking to the pediatrician / general practitioner about the HPV vaccine is useful. 55 34.2 72 44.7 30 18.6 3 1.9 1 0.6
Attitude Statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
n % n % n % n % n %
I think talking to the Gynecologist about HPV vaccine is useful. 58 37.4 71 45.8 24 15.5 1 0.6 1 0.6
I think talking to healthcare professionals who are experts in vaccines at my local health agency on HPV vaccine is useful. 58 36.0 75 46.6 25 15.5 2 1.2 1 0.6
I think my son/daughter should receive information regarding HPV diseases and the related vaccine at school. 85 52.8 52 32.3 21 13.0 2 1.2 1 0.6
I think the recommendation to vaccine all pre-adolescent males and females against HPV by the Ministry of Health through the National Vaccine Prevention Plan is important to facilitate the compliance. 76 47.2 58 36.0 20 12.4 6 3.7 1 0.6
I think vaccination against HPV before the start of sexual activity is important to obtain the best effectiveness. 74 46.0 61 37.9 24 14.9 2 1.2 0 0
I think it is important to protect my son/daughter from the development of HPV genital warts and carcinomas through HPV vaccine. 75 46.6 62 38.5 22 13.7 1 0.6 1 0.6
I think it is important to protect the future partner of my son/daughter from the development of genital warts and carcinomas caused by HPV through
67 41.6 57 35.4 29 18.0 6 3.7 2 1.2
I think the reduction in the number of vaccine doses from three to two for pre-adolescent subjects improves compliance to HPV vaccine. 31 19.2 64 39.7 62 38.5 4 2.5 0 0
I think that receiving a proposal for an appointment by the vaccination service for the administration of both HPV vaccine doses instead of contacting the vaccination center to make the reservation improves
compliance to the vaccination.
53 32.9 65 40.4 40 24.8 3 1.9 0 0
I think the available HPV vaccines are safe. 36 22.4 84 52.2 37 23.0 4 2.5 0 0
I think the available HPV vaccines are also effective for males. 44 27.3 83 51.5 28 17.4 5 3.1 1 0.6

significantly related to attitude scores higher than the 75th percentile were a previous diagnosis of an HPV-related disease (p=0.0002), and a family member, the General Practitioner, the Gynecologist and newspapers as source of information about HPV infections and vaccine (p=0.0377, p=0.0444, p<0.0001 and p=0.0148, respectively).