Figure 5.
SB-334867 (SB) had no nonspecific effects on general locomotor activity in animals with a history of intermittent access. (A, B) In animals with a history of intermittent access to cocaine, SB had no effect on horizontal [panel (A) F2,26 = 0.6678, p = .4925] or vertical [panel (B) F2,26 = 1.551, p = .2450] activity over the 2-hour test period. (C, D) Similarly, SB did not affect the total distance traveled (in centimeters) across the 2-hour test period when assessed at 30-minute intervals [panel (C) F6,72 = 0.8465, p = .5384] or in sum [panel (D) F2,26 = 1.315, p = .2950]. n = 9 for all tests. Error bars are SEM.