Oil and gas terms | ||||
Coal bed methane | Crude oil | Hydrofracking | Petroleum | Unconventional gas |
Coal seam gas | Fracking | Natural gas | Shale | Unconventional oil |
Coal bed methane | Hydraulic fracturing | Oil and gas | Tight oil | |
Reproduction terms | ||||
Abortion | Epidydymis | Luteinization | Parturition | Sertoli |
Acrosome | Estrogen | Luteolysis | Paternal age | Sertoli cell-only syndrome |
Adnexa | Estrous | Lymphnagiogenesis | Penile | Sex |
Adrenarch | Estrus | Maternal | Penile erection | Sex characteristics |
Androgen | Fecundity | Maternal age | Penis | Sex determination |
Andropause | Fertile | Maternal-fetal exchange | Perimenopause | Sex differentiation |
Anestrus | Fertility | Menarche | Peripartum | Sexual development |
Anogenital | Fertilization | Menopause | Placenta | Sexual maturation |
Anovulation | Fetal development | Menstrual | Placentation | Sperm |
Aspermia | Fetal movement | Menstruation | Postmenopause | Sperm capacitation |
Asthenozoospermia | Fetal organ | Metestrus | Postpartum | Sperm maturation |
Birth | Fetal organ maturity | Miscarriage | Pregnancy | Sperm transport |
Birth rate | Fetal viability | Multiple pregnancy | Pregnancy loss | Sperm-ovum interaction |
Breech | Fetal viability | Musculoskeletal development Pregnancy maintenance | Spermatazoa | |
Bulbourethral glands | Fetal weight | Neurogenesis | Pregnancy outcome | Spermatic cord |
Cementogenesis | Follicular | Neurulation | Pregnancy rate | Spermatogenesis |
Cervical | Follicular | Obstetric | Premenopause | Still birth |
Cervix | Folliculara atresia | Odontogenesis | Prenatal nutritional physiological phenomena | Subfertility |
Climacteric | Gametogenesis | Oligospermia | Proestrus | Superfetation |
Coitus | Gastrulation | Oogenesis | Progesterone | Superovulation |
Contraception | Genitalia | Organogenesis | Prostate | Term birth |
Contraception behavior | Germ cell | Orgasm | Psuedopregnancy | Testes |
Corpus luteum | Gestational age | Ovarian reserve | Puberty | Testis |
Dentinogenesis | Gonads | Ovary | Puberty | Trimesters |
Diestrus | Gravidity | Oviparity | Reproduction | Uterus |
Ectogenesis | Infertility | Oviposition | Reproductive | Vagina |
Ejaculation | Insemination | Ovoviviparity | Reproductive behavior | Vas deferens |
Ejaculatory ducts | Lactation | Ovulation | Reproductive physiologic processes | Vitellogenesis |
Embryonic and fetal development | Lacteal elimination | Ovulation inhibition | Reproductive physiological phenomena | Viviparity |
Embryonic development | Live birth | Ovum | Scrotum | Vulva |
Embryonic induction | Luteal | Parity | Seminal vesicles |