Data generation. A) The cell population is selected based on the FSC and SSC, while the debris is excluded. B) The gate of BODIPY-positive cells needs to be set as a function of Hoechst-33,342 positive cells. C) The histogram shows a shift in the neutral lipids from the hSKP-HPC control (green) to hSKP-HPC ‘NASH’ (yellow) sample. This shift gradually reverts back to the control sample upon exposure to increasing concentrations of elafibranor. D) Bar graph of the median fluorescence intensities, obtained from the flow cytometric analysis, shows that hSKP-HPC exposed to ‘NASH’ triggers reveal an important intracellular increase in neutral lipids. Elafibranor dose-dependently reduces the increased lipid load. [***: One-way ANOVA with post hoc Sidak's multiple comparisons test, p ≤ 0.001 (n = 3)] [Figure abbreviations: A.U.: arbitrary units, BL: blue laser, FSC-A: forward scatter area, hSKP-HPC: human skin-derived precursor hepatocyte progenitor cell, NASH: non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, SSC-A: side scatter area, VL: violet laser].