Table 3.
Select indicators and survey questions included in the malaria elimination readiness score by domain for MERA survey
Categories of indicators | Questions included |
Domain 1: Resource availability | |
Diagnostic capacity |
Malaria RDTs in stocka Able to diagnose P. vivaxb |
Essential medicines |
Either ACT or oral quinine in stocka Either injectable artesunate or quinine in stocka Primaquine in stocka |
Other commodities |
Thermometer availablea Infant weighing scale availablea Stand-on scale availablea |
Guidelines | Copy of National Malaria Guidelines availablea |
CHV testing and diagnosis |
Thermometer availablec RDT currently availablec ACT currently availablec No stock-outs in past 3 monthsc |
Stock management system | Stock management system being useda,c |
Domain 2: Case management | |
CHV patient population | CHV treats children ≤ 5 years with feverc |
Identifying criteria for testing for malaria |
HP identifies criteria for testing for malariab CHV identifies criteria for testing for malariac HP elicits fever complaintd HP takes patient’s temperatured HP performs RDT in patient with fever complaintd |
Test and treating practices |
RDTs performed for reported fever in absence of current feverc,d Patients not treated without testingb ACT given for positive RDTc |
Management of uncomplicated malaria |
HPs use appropriate anti-malarialsb CHVs follow-up with patients after treatmentc |
Accessing high risk populations | CHVs assess travel history and encourage pregnant women to seek carec |
SBC activities | Malaria education is performed in the communitya,c |
Domain 3: Data management and use | |
Data reporting |
Case data records are maintainedc Data are reported to HFsc |
Data analysis |
Standard operating procedures (SOP) available for data analysisa Data reviewed monthlya Data used to make decisionsa Case location can be mapped geographicallya |
Data quality |
Cases classified as confirmed or clinicala Cases can be followed across registersa Data quality measures in placea,c Data quality is monitoreda Monthly summary reports are maintainedc |
Epidemic response | Actions are undertaken in the event of increase in cases above expecteda,c |
Domain 4: Training, supervision and technical assistance | |
Training | HFs and CHVs report receiving training on various malaria activities and data managementa,b,c |
Supervision | HFs and CHVs report receiving supervision visit in the last 6 monthsa,c |
Feedback | HFs and CHVs report receiving feedback on dataa,c |
Technical assistance |
HFs and CHVs report receiving technical assistance from higher level if requesteda,c HFs and CHVs report receiving guidance on malaria outbreak responsea,c |
aHealth Facility (HF) assessment
bHealthcare Provider (HP) interview
cCommunity Health Volunteer (CHV) interview
dPatient observation