Fig. 2.
Iron parameters correlate with SOFA and vital status of sepsis patients.
Iron parameters and hematological markers: serum iron, ferritin, hematocrit, serum transferrin, and TF-Sat and SOFA score were routinely determined at patient’s admission at ICU.
a Correlation of iron parameters with SOFA. SOFA score value was modeled as a function of the parameters with mixed-effect linear model (fixed effect: the investigated parameter, random effects: gender and age). For strongly non-normally distributed ferritin and iron concentrations log10 values were used for modeling. Each point represents a single observation, and blue solid lines depict the fitted regression lines. Regression slope β estimates with 95% CI, p value for slope significance (two-tailed t test, β ≠ 0) and n numbers of observations are presented in the plots.
b Differential regulation of iron parameters in survivors and ICU deceased sepsis patients. Each point represents a single observation, bars and whiskers depict mean with SEM. Statistical significance was determined with mixed-effect linear model (fixed effect: vital status, random effects: gender and age). For strongly non-normally distributed ferritin and iron concentrations log10 values were used for modeling. In the plots, n numbers of survivors and deceased participants and p values (two-tailed t test, β ≠ 0) are presented