Figure 3.
Characterization of compound Ythdf1/2/3 KO mice. (A, left) Statistics of KO offspring received from crossing of Heterozygous mice from each of the indicated strains (Ythdf1+/−, Ythdf2+/−, and Ythdf3+/−). (Right) Distribution of Ythdf2 WT, HET, and KO offspring at days E13.5, 2 d postnatal (DPN), and 30 DPN (compared with expected ratios). (B) Crossing strategy for generating triple-heterozygous mice that were further crossed, and their offspring statistics are presented in C. (C) Percentage of genotypes received by crossing triple-heterozygous mice, out of 200 pups tested 30 DPN. (Red) Observed percentage; (gray) expected under null assumption. No pups with Ythdf2-KO genotype survived 30 DPN. In Ythdf2+/− genotype, pups with KO in either Ythdf1 or Ythdf3 were born in a sub-Mendelian ratio. χ2 test P-values are indicated. (D) Using tetraploid complementation assay, triple-KO embryos were generated and examined on E7.5. (Bottom) H&E staining showing aberrant morphology of triple-KO E7.5 embryos, compared with WT control.