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. 2020 Oct 1;92:102707. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102707

Table 3.


Emergent Sub- Themes ↓ Broad Queries→ Key Challenges- A Industry Learning-B Educators'/Trainers' Learning-C Governments' learning-D Future Consumption behaviour-E Media Response & Responsibility-F Workforce Continuation & Redundancy-G Expected Industry Policy Changes-H Way Ahead for future employees-I Total
1- Multiskilling/ Professional development (I) 3 6 4 1 2 16
2- Hygiene Standards/Hygiene SOPs/Sanitation Standards (II) 1 2 3 1 3 2 1 2 15
3- Optimism/Patience for revival (III) 3 3 9 15
4- Media for image creation/ awareness/Justified response (IV) 2 10 12
5- Crisis Management Planning (III) 4 1 3 3 11
6- Cash Reserves/Funds for Crisis (III) 6 1 1 1 1 10
7- Digitisation/Technology Adoption/Artificial Intelligence (III) 2 6 1 1 10
8- Fixed Costs/Expenses (III) 9 9
9- Employee Morale/Motivation (I) 3 2 3 8
10- Reduced Travel/Demand/outing/ gathering (IV) 3 5 8
11- Likely Layoffs/ Contract employment/pay cuts (IV) 6 1 7
12- Unimpeded Cash Flow/ Continued Revenues (III) 5 2 7
13- Continued Job/Payroll/leave benefits (I) 3 2 1 6
14- Community unbiasedness (IV) 6 6
15- Employee health/Wellbeing (II) 3 2 5
16- Better Health Care Infrastructure (II) 5 5
17- Budgetary Considerations/Tax benefits/Rebates (III) 1 4 5
18- Short haul/domestic travel over long haul/international in future (III) 1 2 1 4
19- Students training/sessions (I) 2 2 4
20- Guest Safety/Wellbeing (II) 1 1 1 3
21- Careful spending/Cost Control (III) 2 1 3
22- Adaptability (I) 1 1 1 3
23- Population Control (IV) 3 3
24- Market Research (III) 2 2
25- Leadership (I) 1 1 2
26- Alternative/Multiple Career Options (III) 1 1 2
27- Packaging Consciousness/Reduced outdoor eating (II) 2 2
Broad Queries- Questions posed
A- What are key challenges that your organisation currently faces in the times of current global pandemic?
B- According to you what are the key learnings from this crisis for the industry?
C- According to you what are the key learnings this crisis for the educators?
D- According to you what are the key learnings this crisis for the government?
E- What change in consumption behaviour do you expect in the post pandemic period?
F- How can media play a constructive role in bringing this sector to normalcy?
G- Do you see workforce becoming redundant if the aftereffects continue for a longer period? What suggestion do you have in dealing with similar situations?
H- What industry policy changes you expect in future?
I- What Educators/ Institutions should now do to prepare and encourage students to study and pursue careers in the sector?

Note: Numbers indicate times the interview responses occurred, with total specified in the last column. Broad Themes I= Human Resource Management; II= Health and Hygiene; III = Continuity; IV = Concerns.