(A) Fluorescent immunohistochemistry of cochlear whole mounts at P4 revealed the expression of synapsin I (green) in the basal area of IHCs as well as OHCs (both white, labeled with anti-Myo7a antibody). Red, NF-H-labeled auditory nerve fibers. (B) A virtual cross-section of Fig A reveals synapsin 1 fluorescence localization at the IHC-SGN synapse, not overlapping with NF-H (red) or Myo7a (white) signal, and at the OHC-SGN synapse, partially overlapping with NF-H (red) but not Myo7a (white) signal. (C) At 8 weeks of age, synapsin 1 expression is localized to the organ of Corti at the base of IHCs and OHCs (nuclei stained blue, HOECHST). (D) Low magnification view of a cochlear whole mount shows strong Elavl4 signal in the modiolus. (E) A magnified view of D reveals Elavl4 expression in SGNs stained with NF-H (red). (F) Eight-weeks old cochlea reveals Elavl4 immunofluorescence in spiral ganglion neurons. Scale bars: A, B: 20 μm, C: 50 μm, D: 100 μm, E: 20 μm, F: 50 μm. Representative images from N = 3 four-day-old mice and N = 3 eight-week-old mice.